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CHANTING AND DOING THE PUPPET DANCE PEACEFULLY: We don’t intend to confront or arm ourselves against the Republican New Confederates (RNC)/New Fascists (NF), but instead will peacefully wear Russian Nefarious Collusion (RNC) T-shirts and Caps and hold signs and chant and do the “Puppet Dance”, which is all perfectly innocent and harmless (see more about the dance and chant examples in the “Introduction to Puppet Dance” on UGLY.network and the other affiliated CGU web sites). The U.S. Military and the various police departments have an obligation to protect us against the RNC/NF if they act in an aggressive manner with guns, torches, clubs, motor vehicles, etc. The RNC/NF generally opposes civil rights and are proving themselves to be the enemy of the Union (yes, we are a Union of United States) and its Constitution and all it represents. Justifiably and deservedly for many reasons, we sincerely dislike and do not trust or respect POTUS “It”. POTUS “It” is trying to provoke and stoke a fight as “It” always does with “Its” Bully talk (e.g., stoking fights between citizens and press, etc.), like saying that the military, police and “bikers for POTUS ‘It’” are going to get tough with us and "dominate" US in the streets, but we aren’t taking the bait. Besides, there are a lot of nice bikers out there who will probably be wearing Puppet Dance T-shirts and Caps, and it is hard to imagine the civil protection minded police and military getting tough with a bunch of peace loving people chanting and doing the Puppet Dance. We all need to act bravely like those of the past (mostly black, some white) who stood tall and held their signs and peacefully marched in protests across the nation during the civil rights movement of the 60s and 70s and earlier by Women fighting for right to vote. They were right back then demanding equality and by doing so made some significant progress, and we (a much broader group) are right today in demanding greater progress on civil rights (equality of all persuasions), income inequality and accountability of POTUS “It” and “Its” family, cabinet, staff and associates for illegal activities that occurred during the POTUS primary, election and are continuing during POTUS “Its” term of office right up to the present day. Thank you for being an active member of the human race and a participant in society and a contributor towards our joint “Common Good” effort of bettering human existence and our planet Earth