(#1) GOP HERD REDUCTION PLAN (By JPL, aka GBF, 10/18/2021):
Don’t be a DUMB ASS!
Running out of time
Day coming near & FAST!
Running out of time
Don’t want 2nd Civil War!
Running out of time
Don’t want 3rd World War!
Running out of time
They’re surely CORRUPT
Please don’t now FAIL
Duty says they get JAIL
Democracy is at STAKE
Will be our NEW BAPTISM
History it does REPEAT
There’s always a MISCREANT
Benito & Adolf both KNEW
For them only they FULFILL
They ignore COMMON GOOD
Their end comes if we STOOD
Careful not to wait too long
Must now listen to our song
Voting Rights they PLUNDER
Lightning it follows THUNDER
Is warning to our SOLDIERS
They’ll follow our POTUS
When they get his NOTICE
Abe & Franklin they did RISE
To clear WARNING in their EYES
It is each day that we PRAY
We ask Dear God DON’T DELAY
Humanity & Planet at STAKE
HARMONY we wish to MAKE
To fulfill human rights & NEEDS
And avoid suffering & MISDEEDS
New generations must survive
For this we must strive
Act now & they’ll be alive
Come year Twenty Ninety-Five
Aye Yai Yai
Oh my my
Time does fly
We don’t know
Ying Yang Yo
Time runs low
Ain’t no glee
If US not free
Time does flee
Beyond the fray
Clown does play
Time won’t stay
He’s pure insane
The Orangutan
Must stop pain
Not being a fuss
Must Protect US
And now Save US
__________________________6/6 GBF
(#2) DECEMBER 13 Good Luck (By JPL, aka GBF; 12/13/2021):
Thirteen does not mean sad
Ain’t No time to be mad
A time to discover
Perhaps a new lover
Or it’s time to reveal
What others do conceal
Much better than a six
That’s related to prix
One & three equals four
Oh & there is much more
Six repeated times 3
Tells US time to flee
But through it we must stay
Lest the goons turn US gray
Near now is 2 & 2
We are red, white & BLUE
And prefer what is true
They will suppress & purge
Gives commander the urge
To be there to oversee
And avoid their dishonesty
Past guy as House Speaker
Couldn’t get much bleaker
13 day is our luck
Progressing from the muck
We must avoid lunacy
Brings forth autocracy
If two two they do win
Two three will come too late
They stand at flaming gate
Two four decades do bring
An everlasting sting
Pray Prez & Congress Dems
See basis that oath stems
(#3) PLEA TO SAVE DEMOCRACY (By JPL, aka GBF; 12/23/2021):
Demagogues they always come and go,
But while here death & destruction grow,
Many aspire to their twisted path,
Willingly done to avoid their wrath,
Such sick behavior is glorified,
Feelings absent towards those who’ve died,
One thinks that history it will teach,
Ignorance and evil past its reach,
Great leader with forces they could end,
With fortitude & courage they send,
Strong desire to uphold foundation,
And keep intact our Constitution,
To save our precious democracy,
That encourages diversity,
For We the People from sea to sea,
Please avoid autocracy We plea,
Either way death & destruction occurs,
Pray & hope our great Union endures.
(#4) 2021-2022 HOLIDAY SEASON (By JPL, aka GBF; 12/25/2021):
It is that time of year for happy cheer,
With our friends & family we embrace,
Together we dine & drink wine & beer,
Sitting together with gifts to unlace,
What we truly wish for cannot be wrapped,
The world we live in is a complex brew,
High above us human gases are trapped,
With animal markets diseases grew,
Diverse melting pot becoming so vast,
Yet homogeny forces still object,
Quickly forgetting freedom fights of past,
And instead ignoring after effect,
So the holidays are not dark or bright,
Nor is the world full of love without hate,
Really hard to say past year was alright,
And not expecting new year to be great,
Anti vaxxing problem is so vexing,
Plus we had government insurrection,
Trump’s failed coup attempt it was perplexing,
He tried hard to destroy our foundation,
Democratic republic almost lost,
This was merely first of a practice round,
Must see what enemy within will cost,
Excuses for these actions won’t be found,
Voting Rights Plunder his party achieves,
Next lining up false slate of electors,
The Constitution our nation believes,
Says time is now to put behind steel doors,
Rebelling U.S. treasonous traitors,
President forces must administer,
In states violating rights of voters,
Autocratic options are sinister.
(#5) New Years Day 2022 (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/01/2022):
Two-two now arrived but don’t be blue
GOPer Voting Rights plunder in view
We always have Commander in Chief
And Military to stop our grief
Fake dominoes abroad they defend
Now toppling here we can’t pretend
Republican New Confederate These state officials are what we fret
(#6) 2021-2024 USA Constitution Collapse (By JPL, aka GBF; 12/30/2021):
Twenty-One, -Two, -Three, then comes -Four
Autocratic opening door
First Trump’s attempted Congress coup
Next came Voting Rights wrecking crew
Which gives seditionists House rule
And their state electors will cheat
Bringing democracy’s defeat.
January 6, twenty twenty-one,
Then president Trump still crying he won,
Filling mindless mob with his hate & lies,
Stirring anger seething forth in their eyes,
Trump’s Crony Crooks rouse MAGAs for the hour,
Plan to stop peaceful transfer of power,
Confederate flags they brought as their spears,
Stabbing police as elector count nears,
It was the Capitol dome they must reach,
Quickly breaking windows completing breach,
Days before Congress reps showed them the way,
To chamber where House action would play,
Clearing their path through halls they desecrate,
Smearing the walls after they defecate,
With glee Trump watching all this on TV,
Feeling proud for having created this spree,
It was clearly his planned Insurrection,
Coup attempt failing like his election,
Losing twice to get back into office,
Not following legitimate process,
His party now conjuring other schemes,
Seeking to fulfill autocratic dreams,
Realizing now they’re the minority,
They choose fight now against diversity,
Many states violating voting rights,
Ignoring Constitution in their fights,
Pretending states not bound to U.S. laws,
Instead use own statutes with many flaws,
Besides voter purging and suppression,
Now Electors biased for election,
They have path now for election midterms,
Bringing new Speaker when Congress adjourns,
By twenty-four they will have all branches,
And gone will be democracy’s chances,
In eight years Trump will get autocracy,
Odds rising for this world emergency,
Soon will be up to executive branch,
We hope and pray he will take a strong stance,
If fed voting rights fails in the Senate.
It will destroy nation’s founding tenet,
We don’t want repeat civil or world war,
Because with it comes misery and gore,
Fed elections in violating states,
Are what executive order abates.
Now reaching the point that options are few,
Something to ponder while in the pew,
Our great hope now is in our President,
And Armed Forces during this embroilment.
(#8) Time Stopped Again During USA “democracy” Renaissance (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/20/2022):
Our country is now at critical stage,
Importance now is manner we engage,
Politeness not a high priority,
When red party stripping equality,
Our founders created detailed premise,
Checks and balances to ward off menace,
It is now time to employ those safeguards,
Or saving republic not in the cards
We must protect our justice & freedom,
To avoid reverting to a kingdom,
Unequal now is gerrymandering,
Senate filibuster blocks law making.
Red party cares not about common good,
Corporations now have personhood,
No limits now on business donations,
Elections based on financed promotions.
The Republican New Confederates,
Ignoring our Constitution tenets,
Using Voters’ purging & suppression,
And Electoral College subversion.
We’re now at point for autocratic rule,
What is to stop that which will be cruel,
This situation has happened before,
It took drastic steps and began a war,
To an oath all public officials swear,
Constitution & Union they must care,
This applies to federal, local & state,
To do otherwise, chaos they create,
To reverse suffrage for progress achieved,
Backward thinking shouldn’t have been conceived,
Abe acted to save our democracy,
The Union won and ended slavery.
So now as mega entertainment corps,
Brings US so called news that warps,
We must just pray & hope our President,
Remembers the Abe Lincoln precedent.
The Republican New Confederates,
Ignoring our Constitution tenets,
Using Voters’ purging & suppression,
And Electoral College subversion.
(#9) AS WE GET OLDER JUSTICE IS CLEARER (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/20/2022):
As we get older justice is clear
For rich not poor it’s always near
We keep wishing things will be equal
Just fairytale and so magical
To report CRIMe plants to state AG
Who had delegated authority
And Constitution obligation
First priority was re-election
(#10) Looking Way Yonder (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/20/2022):
Most of US tend to look way YONDER
For those things we hope may be FONDER
But now we give you this REMINDER
Always think of ways to be KINDER
Often times much better to LOOK NEAR
To those we should realize are MOST DEAR
So important now more THAN EVER
Powerful people NOT SO CLEVER
Too bad for US they HOLD the LEVER
Which could END things FOREVER
(#11) Machiavellian Manchin (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/21/2022):
Machiavellian Joe Manchin
Sitting on his yacht with big fat grin
Tells US no worries on voting rights
Was so full of filibuster frights
Says with government, voting just fine
Just ask coal baron friends sipping wine
Or his daughter rich on EpiPens
Now celebrate with GOP friends
(#12) SINema CINEMA (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/21/2022):
SINema CINEMA where art thou?
Those Dem votes at polls forgotten now?
Your acts against People as traitor
Will work against you in disfavor
You now belong to UglyGOP (.com)
A deep dark red stain you cannot flee
Along with greed that envelops you
Forever more you’ve lost true blue
(#13) NINE SHORT MONTHS to Election (By JPL, aka GBF; :02/20/2022):
What happens between now and election?
And what are chances of intervention?
Will GOPer (goaper) confederate states prevail?
Won’t that cause our democracy to fail?
Seems Constitution no longer applies?
In Trumps’ and Republican Party’s eyes?
Unlawful odds stacked against Dems now great,
GOPer state officials dooming our fate,
Twenty-two win will strengthen their deceit,
And lead to twenty-four big Dem defeat,
This won’t be solved now in congress or courts,
And will be different than days of forts,
So what lies ahead for US we ask?
It is certain to be humongous task
State laws for our federal election
Must all adhere to the Constitution
To purge & suppress votes is illegal
Contrary to being fair & equal,
Must prevent Electoral subversion
So there is no autocratic conversion
(#14) USA Stopped at the Crossroads (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/21/2022):
Because of covid, we’re doing way too much thinking,
And mostly whining, and perhaps not enough drinking,
Just thinking this is all just going to work out fine,
Maybe you should just stop drinking all that beer & wine,
And just when we decided we better imbibe much less,
We find out that our votes the GOPers plan to suppress,
So now we are on course for autocratic type rule,
Being led by big corps, super rich, & the cruel,
Democracy and freedom will be gone for long time,
And anyone who objects will be accused of a crime,
So lesson to be learned is not to vote for a clown,
And if you do, the next thing he will want is a crown,
Because of this, many dying as we show a frown,
Must recognize that racist male WASPs bringing US down,
Basic problem is disregarding the common good,
If only big corps and ultra rich knew where we stood,
For democratic government, people meant to rule,
With decisions and leaders chosen by majority pool,
And electors for states should represent people’s choice,
Rather than forced to vote for the state’s biased voice,
Corporate personhood is total nonsensical,
It was horrible decision by our judicial,
It skews the elections in favor of corps and rich,
And throws US and We the People in a deep ditch,
All in our diverse makeup should be equally counted,
It is unlawful to segregate groups so votes discounted,
All citizens count equally as one qualified vote,
Depriving this basic right creates a kingdom’s mote,
Which for gains made in our history, turns back the clock,
And creates tremendous unease and strife in the flock,
So now USA at crossroads has suddenly stopped,
We now seek Prez emergency EO to be propped.
(#15) 9-Month Count Down democracy Prayer (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/21/2022):
GOP Confederates they have employed,
Their sure Hook or By Crook election ploy,
Which certainly has gotten the Dems annoyed,
And has brought super wealthy tremendous joy,
Constitution demands equal protection,
Which includes equal voting rights for the public,
And states suppressing votes is violation,
Which is sedition act against republic,
So Congress new fed voting rights law has failed,
No vote against state insurrectionists yet,
High level Insurrectionists not yet jailed,
As days nearing fall election we all fret,
With advent of autocracy coming near,
The options to prevent it now are so few,
Autocratic rule in twenty-four we fear,
It is now up to President and his crew,
Must plan to admin fed elections this fall,
An act needed for voting rights to restore,
To organize this undertaking must not stall,
Please do this to save our nation we implore,
Putin’s Ukraine actions with GOP friend,
Also ploy to distract from internal need,
Autocrat-Dictator Club, let’s not pretend,
Put saving democracy here first, we plead,
As we look back to hard choices Abe had made,
We pray daily that God will guide our POTUS,
His strength and fortitude both fulfill his grade,
And will save and strengthen the freedom for US.
(#16) WILL RICH BULLY TYPES DWINDLE? (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/27/2022):
Republicans good at throwing the dice,
In combination with not playing nice,
Dems however try to accommodate,
Which typically short changes our fate,
Bullies often dominate for quite long,
But hopefully in end, they end up gone,
That might just simply be wishful thinking,
Especially now when land is shrinking.
(#17) TIME Ticking, Lives Flicking (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/20/2022):
TIME coming near
Most of US fear
TIME it has stopped
Worst must be cropped
TIME running out
Who has the clout
TIME to restore
Don’t close the door
TIME then to heal
We must congeal
TIME soon for calm
Soothing oil balm
Verse 1/6:
GOPers plunder our voting right
We hope POTUS will take on fight
Constitution they violate
GOP so full of hate
Verse 2/6:
Must not impede Majority
We want to be equal & free
Male WASPs desperate as tide turned
These racists now feel they are spurned
Verse 3/6:
Democracy works against them
From this autocracy will stem
By Hook or Crook tactics they launch
To oppose this, Dems will be staunch
CHORUS (Time, Time, Time…)
Verse 4/6:
So now we sit in awe and wonder
What will it take to stop plunder
To avoid sounds of manmade thunder
This big storm cause to crawl under
Verse 5/6:
Abe knew how Civil War began,
The cause was slavery back then
After war, Ku Klux Klan emerged
And Jim Crow to allow rights purged
Verse 6/6:
GOPer states now reverse suffrage
Suppress votes that FOX encourage
Our hope now is POTUS Order
To avoid massive disorder
CHORUS (Time, Time, Time…)
(#18) Putin’s Expanding Tangled Web (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/31/2022):
Don’t think Putin & Trump aren’t still cajoling & talking,
And maybe Russian troops on Ukraine border is balking,
It’s as though former Soviet Union is now stalking,
Back in Moscow at Kremlin, Putin & Sergey chalking,
They have future visions of creeping Russian tentacles,
That kleptocratic oligarchs foresee as pentacles,
Small GNP and disgruntled masses are spectacle,
Because of their large nuclear military, we’re skeptical,
Most autocrats often align with others of their ilk,
Putin was nurturing ugly Trump party with his milk,
This is menacing potential partnership that will bilk,
World must be cautious of these spiders, and their web of silk.
(#19) Price of Trump & GOP INSURRECTION (By JPL, aka GBF; 01/30/2022):
So now it is becoming clear on how it all began,
On Trumps’ & his GOP crony crooks’ coup attempt plan,
Recruit fraudulent GOP electors from the states,
And get VP Pence at Capitol to mimic Trump’s traits,
Vice President Pence then wisely chose to not accept the lie,
As MAGA rioters chant “hang Mike Pence” in halls nearby,
Trump’s coup attempt was precisely planned seditious event
Now soon comes Insurrectionists’ criminal indictment,
Those indicted must be expelled and denied public office,
POTUS should get military ready to be cautious,
Need Emergency EO to admin fed elections in states,
Because these GOPers the Constitution they violate.
(#20) rUSsiA’s DYNAMIC DUO (By JPL, aka GBF; 02/02/2022):
Hickory Dickory & dock,
So damn quickly does moves the clock,
While Trump preparing his flock,
Without EO will be a crock,
GOPers are tightening the vice,
We all know they aren’t very nice,
And they’re good at being precise,
They prey and do it for Dear Christ,
Putin serves as Trump’s true partner
Forces staged on Ukraine’s border,
Will bring chaos and disorder,
Hoping the pawns will just scatter,
Dems trying to be so civil,
Tough to do against the evil,
Dealing with snakes and the weasel,
Don’t pretend they won’t be lethal,
Both of them have zero scruples,
Are devout Trumpism pupils,
Always seek Him for approvals,
Working as His true disciples,
Plan is new Soviet Union,
Two guys in sacred communion,
For greed and power, not human,
Exploit earth is their conclusion,
Two plan to work in unison,
Target those near revolution,
The resources is their solution,
No regard for the pollution,
Trump said Venezuela was ripe,
And in US backyard to swipe,
So for future this pair will snipe,
And next will be with all their might,
There is an umbilical cord,
Found in new East Euro accord,
Germans ponder, can they afford,
Must not forget Ukraine’s seaboard.
(#21) Stopping & Cropping Seditious GOP by Blue in Twenty-Two (By JPL, aka GBF; 02/06/2022):
If Congress Democratic CaucUS & POTUS don’t come THROUGH,
Our US democratic republic will quickly unglue.
It’s the US Constitution that holds US TOGETHER,
And there’s no denying the fact that it’s a FRAGILE TETHER.
(#22) No TIME for CERTAIN or CURTAIN (By JPL, aka GBF; 02/04/2022):
We have little choice but to accept this our present time,
In years past there has always been prevalence of much crime,
USA mostly thought of nation of law & order,
Now greedy & powerful claim they’re protecting border,
Assault artillery gives much power to lower tier,
So now sinister wealthy do partner with them for fear,
Using that as they push people’s emotional buttons,
Expanding their wealth & estate is goal of these gluttons,
The wealthy male WASPs are leading insurrection & coup,
Along with Christian zealots, are racists making up crew,
Their hate runs deep, are misogynists & xenophobes too,
While violating laws, it is evil they pursue,
ChorUS: (As immigrants of past, …)
We are in a day when evil has a facade of good,
They’re all bunch of gas lighters claiming they’re misunderstood,
They have FOX and other propagandists telling their lies,
All this happening, as autocratic rule on the rise,
The Trump and GOPer’s ways are not anything Christ would condone,
And we are not a Christian republic and there’s no thrown,
We are immigrant diverse nation & are all equal,
We must prevent going backwards to civil war sequel,
We plead now for Congress & President to act fast,
For what GOPers are doing to US, we are aghast,
GOP state officials passed anti-voting rights laws,
Violating US Constitution oath, which was last straw,
ChorUS: (As immigrants if past, …)
Congress vote pass, or not, on state GOPer seditious acts,
And then time for POTUS & Military to tact,
What is needed is Emergency EO to react,
In response to clear & present democracy attack,
We do think POTUS admin of fed elections we need,
At least in GOPer Constitution breaking states, we plead,
Do this until our election voting rights are restored,
For common good of humanity & Earth we implore,
ChorUS: (As immigrants if past, …)
As immigrants of past we sailed to this our great land,
Through the ages, we came to understand where we stand,
We strive now for justice and equality for all,
Learning from our wrongs & rights of past, and we stand tall,
“A” Verse
We know we’re an experiment and don’t want to fail,
This will not occur if our justice system prevails,
Through this all the guilty high & low must go to jail,
In accordance with French gift, Madam Liberty scale,
“B” Verse
We now prepare the sails and cargo for next voyage,
Where it brings US forth as written here in this passage,
Will never be something that is completely certain,
But make it through now, there will be delay in curtain.
“C” Verse
(#23) THE TWITTER ZONE (By JPL, aka GBF; 02/06/2022):
One thing for sure about this site
Is that it creates lot of fright
It also does keep US thinking
And leads US to excess drinking
Let’s not fret on things we can’t change
Some things not meant to rearrange
Money is ultimate power
Puts dummies on top of tower
La Fine