Monthly Archive November 3, 2022

Dear GOP MAGA Famiglia/Siblings, We’re (you & I) Getting a Divorce

By James P. LaMancusa, aka Giacomo B. Fischiatore


Please understand, people who have WARPED PRINCIPLES (GOP MAGAs), just do not qualify as worthy family/friends.

Many don’t grasp seriousness of US situation? “Ain’t no” different now than Confederates vs Union, or Allies vs Nazis/Fascists. As before, often family/friends end up on opposing sides maybe battling each other someday. IT REALLY COULD COME TO THAT! Principled people choose principles over family/friends. Trump loving GOP MAGAs should really give this some serious thought (watch some gruesome WW2 and US Civil War movies and think of your friends & family and the aftermath of war/battle that may be on the horizon).

Some say “But it’s your family and you have to STICK WITH THEM”, but for me and my Fascist GOP MAGA (not all of them) family & friends, I DO NOT HAVE TO STICK MYSELF TO THEM, AND I WILL NOT. The can go ahead and continue SPITTING on my Father, Carmelo’s grave, as they’re forgetting all about the fact that Carmelo fought as a US Sergeant in WW2 in Italy against the “Black Shirt” Mussolini Fascists, who were his former Italian motherland compatriots. Eventually the Allied Forces merged together from battles in Salerno/Naples (my father with that group), Cassino and Anzio/Nettuno, and proceeded to march into Rome and drove out the German occupiers. Not long after, the Germans retreated back to Germany and arrived there about the time the coward Adolph Hitler and his wife were committing suicide in the bunker where he was holed up. In that same time frame, Mussolini was on the run trying to escape from Italy, but before he got to the northern border at Switzerland in the Alps, an Italian patriot Fascist Resistance group captured Benito Mussolini and then executed him and his mistress. Their bodies were taken to Piazzale Loreto, near central Milan, where the Italian patriots hung the two bodies upside down at the public square for a number of days to celebrate his defeat and the end of Italian Fascist regime and his “Black Shirt” loyalists.

In the fall of 2022, if everyone is afraid to stand up to the Trump GOP MAGA “Red Shirts”, and worried about hurting someone’s feelings, or severing ties with family/friends, we’re doomed! My hope is that I will be able to get to my nieces & nephews and free them from the grasp and influence of my GOP MAGA siblings and their spouses, who are like a modern day Jim Jones brain washing their offspring, and getting the kool aid ready when it all fails when the realization finally hits them that Trump and all his GOP cronies and sycophants are a bunch of snake oil salesmen conning the populous into believing they, and they alone will make their lives better, when in fact, these con artists are just leaching off of the gullible citizenry.

Some say: “What’s the big deal Jimmy? Why do you care so much about future of humanity & planet? After all, your remaining years are dwindling quickly, and you ain’t got no skin in the game not having a wife or offspring?” Which is a real good moronic point? But what some are failing to realize is that I care about the LaMancusa & Donazzolo family of Carmelo & Nida LaMancusa, Bernardo & Clotilda Donazzolo, Giusseppe & Antonina LaMancusa and the great, and great great grandparents etc who came before them. And I care about the present & future of this family, and I dearly love all my nieces & nephews, and the great & great great nieces & nephews etc and those who are yet to come.

The latter is a lot more important to me than the stardom of local W MI Facebook (FB) account contributors, like the queen & king of W MI FB, one of my sister-in-laws, and my younger salesman brother. I know oldest sibling, my sister, doesn’t like to broach this subject, because she doesn’t want to create a rift in the family, and she really enjoys time with the principal MAGAs in the family at their lakefront properties, going out boating, swimming etc. But you know, the latter isn’t as important as the long-term survival of our freedom & democracy, our family, humanity as a whole, and the planet.

Some studying and comprehension of actual USA and world history is quite important right now (not Netflix or Amazon Prime Video etc), because you must recognize that former compatriots, acquaintances and family members fought against each other and injured and killed each other in the US Civil War. And as I said before, my father, Carmelo LaMancusa fought for USA ( Sergeant) in WW2 in Italy and fought and likely injured & killed some of his former fellow native Italians/compatriots who were in allegiance with the Mussolini “Black Shirt” Fascists. And now we have the Trump/GOP MAGA “Red Shirts”, proponents of US GOP Autocratic Fascist rule, which could come as early as 2024, after which, we will be stuck with it for multiple decades.

Now if that’s what you want and you want to follow in the footsteps of W MI FB queen & king, and become Marjorie Green, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, or Lauren Boebert, then that’s what you and your offspring will get, and believe me, you will regret it when the aftermath eventually hits US and your family. Just because you look like Marjorie Taylor Green (sister-in-law’s offspring), doesn’t mean you have to act like her. 

Take the time and watch some gruesome US Civil War and World War II movies so you can get a feel for yours and your offspring’s future if you choose the wrong path following your MAGA “Red Shirt” leaders, my highly vocal and opinionated (uniformed/misinformed/disinformed type) sister-in-law and younger brother. And I wish my brother to that sister-in-law recognized all the damage his spouse is doing by worshipping Trump like he is the Chosen One.

POEM: “Biden ABE-like (NOT) Legacy, fall/fail 2022″

Biden biding his time as 2022 fall/fail comes

G. B. Fischiatore; aka @JamesLamancusa

Listen here Mr Jay, don’t matta how much you pray,

Democracy must stay, ain’t no time to go astray,

We’s just work & play, no worry bout those on da fray,

Poor ole Miss May, won’t leave her house til things are okay.


Most people just think, public officials just plain stink,

Don’t matter what’s in ink, power & greed let’s others sink,

Before called em rat fink, and worse now dat we’re on da brink,

Seems ain’t nutt’n in sync, costs rise’n faster den a wink.


Voting rights going down, we got plenty reasons to frown,

Now election subversion, by GOPers [Goapers] seeking crown,

Evil grows in a mound, while pushing US to da ground,

Election Police now around, prompted by a clown.


Next’ll be burn’n at da stake, fear is what dey make,

Expect vote counts to be fake, who wins FOX will create, 

We have big stomach ache, now can’t even meditate,

Florida says if congregate, dey’ll incarcerate.


After all dat what’s left, stripped of rights like a real theft, 

Abe would see what duth crept, and what it is dat does infect,

Autocracy dey erect, cuz you’all blind to their accent,

Propaganda in effect, so twisted makes you deaf 


Now time for last draw, Exec Order for this BIG flaw,

One man needs to draw, it is meant as part of law,

Insurrection of US all, weighs BIG in RISE and FALL,

Legacy it duth crawl, now appears BRIGHT this very fall.


James P Lamancusa (aka, Giacomo B Fischiatore)


CommonGoodUnited .org/Inc


Dahh UGLY Beginning of Dahh UGLY End! (democracy out, GOP Autocracy in)

By Giacomo B. Fischiatore, aka James P. LaMancusa

Dahh Trump GOP MAGA group are moving quickly to pave the way for complete takeover of US political system to bring US soon to dahh beginning of GOP Autocratic Rule starting in Jan 2025 after Trump is elected 2nd time in Nov 2024.

In their efforts to assure that GOP minority (35-40%) of US voters maintain control over the majority (55-65%) of US voters, they have perfected the voting district gerrymandering process to completely control state legislatures with super majorities in purple states (Dems = 55-65% of total voters), while at same time gaining enough gerrymandered seats in the US Districts to guarantee that they will for certain take control of the US House in 2023 by orchestrating wins in Nov 2022 election. 

Already, and especially after the latter, the GOP controlled state legislatures unConstitutionally are perfecting the electoral college system in their states, which allows these states to have their state “electors” vote in favor of GOP candidates for US President & VP in ’24/’25, regardless if the majority of voters in their state voted Democrat in the Nov 2024 election as mandated by their state legislature, governor or secretary of state.

Because of the aforementioned devilish, crafty and unConstitutional tactics of the GOP going unchecked by the cowardly US DOJ/AG and US President Biden (e.g., by Emergency Executive Order), our US democratic republic is being torn away from US by GOP plainly right before our eyes! And all the Dem Party and their leaders can do and say, is “citizens Vote Like Hell like your lives depends on it”. Well the latter, no matter how great, may not be enough, and even if it is, the GOP will dispute the results, and they have 67% to 33% control of the US Supreme Court, so any court cases regarding elections and other matters will surely be decided in their favor.

As always, the GREEDY & Power Hungry GOP and Big Corps & the ultra-wealthy are melding together for their self aggrandizement at the expense & detriment (rights, protections etc) of women, minorities, LGBTQ, the young, innocent, defenseless, impoverished, starving, shelterless, thirsty & mentally/physically ill; while at the same these greedy individuals & corporate officials line up for space travel and are staking their claims in advance on diminishing livable space on our planet.

The aforementioned Evil, Greedy & Power hungry GOP individuals and giant corporations, who have hoodwinked the gullible MAGAs, don’t care one iota about what’s best for humanity as a whole or our planet Earth; and they DO NOT ADVOCATE for GOOD/UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES such as working:

(1) CGU: For the betterment of Common Good in a United manner;

(2) PEWHASOP: To Protect Environment, Wellbeing & Health And Safety Of People;

(3) PACATO: In unison with Principled American Citizens & Allies from near & afar, who Together are Orchestrating in beneficial manner for benefit of humanity & our planet.

Instead, they pass unConstitutional anti-voting rights laws in their GOP controlled states along with enacting voting subversion tactics, as our cowardly US President Biden (not Abe-like) and US DOJ Attorney General Merrick Garland (still banking on SCOTUS judgeship) sit idly (and safely) by, praying and hoping for the best for their historical personal US legacies, instead of concentrating bravely on saving our democratic republic from the GOP MAGA villains. How far do the GOP states have to go before Biden will take decisive and effective action? The Confederates of the past did not like the Union (so called “northern aggressors”) telling them they couldn’t own African slaves anymore, and perhaps the modern day GOP Confederates will want some other kind of modern day slave other than Africans? If they do that in 2022 or 2023, will that be permissible in Biden’s and Austin’s eyes? After all, these GOP controlled states believe they should be able to do whatever their GOP legislatures pass regardless of whether it complies with the US Constitution. Let’s face, with the GOP we’re moving BACK in TIME. For example women, if you’re thinking of dating one of these GOP guys, realize these CAVEMEN will soon be carrying clubs once again to get their way with you, and after they IMPREGNATE you, you’ll be forced to carry their DEVIL CHILD to term.

So, has BIDEN forgotten his Constitutional duties? He is after all, the US Commander in Chief of US Armed Forces. Both the US President (& VP Harris) and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin have a Constitutional duty to protect & defend our Constitution, and if they don’t, they are considered US Insurrectionists! And state GOP public officials passing and enacting unConstitutional anti-voting rights laws and election subversion tactics are CLEARLY USA Insurrectionists! States (& local governments) must first and foremost fully abide to the US Constitution (not optional). What’s going on and allowed to continue IS SIMPLY WRONG, UNCONSTITUTIONAL & ILLEGAL, and NEEDS TO BE STOPPED! It is not a time for Biden to be cautiously trying to preserve his 40-year politician legacy, it should be more about President Biden acting now by issuing an Executive Order to save our democratic republic!


That which is RIGHTEOUS & GOOD, simply being defeated by that which is WRONG & EVIL!


Previous article submitted to, and ignored by, WaPo:

Giacomo B Fischiatore

[Aka, James P. LaMancusa, President/Co-Founder]

Vice President/Co-Founder

CommonGoodUnited .org/Inc (est. Nov 2019, FL)